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New York was pure magic. Right now I feel that nothing can ever be better than the time we had there – no words and no photos can describe it. However, as a bit of sum up, we:

  • SHOPPED: Macy’s (our longest stint in the store was their entire opening hours on a Sunday, from 11am to 8pm!), Bloomingdales, Saks 5th Ave, Tiffany, Victoria Secret, FAO Schwarz, Times Square souviner shops, Gap, Banana Republic, Barnes & Noble, City Market (jam packed with groceries), Duane Reade (jam packed with chemist-type stuff and more);

  • ATE & DRANK: at posh restaurants requiring a tie and reservation, American style diners & cafes, sushi, hot dogs on the street, Italian (dine in and take out), New York cheese cake, ghastly jumbo-popcorn-sized cups of milky coffee, bagels, granola, cookie dough ice-cream, fantastic Californian chardonnay;

  • GOT AROUND: on foot – up and down Broadway, 6th, 5th, Madison, 10th and many cross streets in between (walked about 57 blocks on our first day in 0*C to fight off jetlag), in a taxi, on a horse and carriage, on a bus, in a helicopter, on the subway and in a Lincoln Town Car;

  • SAW: the city from the top of the Rockefeller Centre and the Empire State Building and from the Staten Island ferry, Ground Zero, Grand Central Station, Central Park, Trump Tower, Woolworth Building, squirrels, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Metropolitan Opera House, limousines, live television talk shows being filmed through street-facing windows, crowds and queues everywhere, ice skating at the Rockefeller and Central Park rinks, Rockefeller Christmas tree, logs of cookie dough like luncheon sausage chubs for those ‘real home-made cookies’, the sound and light show on the side of Saks 5th Ave, a wild mangy street cat, dogs in little outfits, steam coming out of the street grates, 2 million people at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade, security guards, the Broadway show The Produces, Jai from Queer Eye for the Straight Guy;

  • LIVED: New York style by way of doing laundry in the basement, getting takeout, eating apple pie in front of the telly on Thanksgiving, going to the Black Friday sales, hailing cabs, reading the NY Times, giving directions to tourists and becoming ‘regulars’ at a couple of restaurants and cafes.




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