After 9 years of having a free Paradise “homepage” I’ve outgrown the 10mb of space so have moved ISP. I have been tempted over the years because the free space only allows static pages and at times I have wanted to index all my photos and use a category-based site. A couple of years ago I overhauled my site to only show the last year’s worth of pictures – the advent of the digital camera meant that I had sooo many more photos to put on the website. Anyhoo, it’s moved. Random housekeeping things along the way:
- Paradise very quickly pointed my domain name to the new ISP, no questions asked.
- I’ll now be able to upload to the site from any internet connection – up until now I’ve been restricted to using only a Paradise connection, which in our household was my dialup.
- I’m having a major cache issue at work and still cannot see the new site, three days later.
- I’ve decided to remove my research from the site – and in doing so, realised that it is 10 years since I was working on that project. Ah, those heady days when nothing would curb the enthusiasm of a young researcher putting forward a proposition to index the web and make content easier to find … oh how the web has changed.
- Now that the Mister works away from home we need to downgrade to a regular broadband household plan. Looking at the big two – Xtra is our only choice as Telstra won’t give it to us unless we switch phones to them. No way. Plus, Telstra’s broadband suite is called PDQ i.e. pretty damn quick but get a load of their logo for this service:
Looks like a pretty damn drag.
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