OK, so I often learn and do things waaaay after everyone else. In my own time – despite often copping flack for doing so. Some of the more notable things …
- Did not walk until 19 months old (but hey, talked at 9 months!)
- Did not ride bike until 7 years old (Dad was apparently SO embarrassed)
- Did not get ears pierced until 16 years old
- Did not get driver’s licence until 16 years old
And more recently
- Did not get onto e-Bay until way after everyone else in November 2004 (but hey, have had a dot.com personal website since 2000 and was the first to present VUW Masters research as a website in 1997)
and finally …
- Have discovered youtube.com! So far I’ve limited myself only to visiting the Pets and Animals section for videos of cats and kittens. It’s addictive!
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