Went to a bit of a do last night to hear the names of the finalists for this year’s NZ Hi-Tech Awards being read out.
The Mister’s on the list! He and 2 others are in the running to be the next NZ Hi-Tech Young Achiever of the Year. I am *very* proud!
Good luck!
P.S. And thanks to me for putting together a submissions essay that would rival Elle Woods’ (minus the bikini video of course!)
P.S.S. Press coverage begins … 🙂
I think he’s going to win 🙂
It would be great – but am not counting my chickens.
chickens == 0
eggs == 0
I also enjoy how you typed two equal signs like you do in C#.
Yes, very geeky. And me recognizing this is surprisingly a pleasantly depressing feeling.
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