Red, black and white flight

Hello from my corporate-wifey world! Am sitting in the Hyatt Hotel foyer in Auckland after stuffing all my bags of shopping into one bag in the hope I can convince the airline it’s a cabin bag for our flight back tonight after spending a day coffeeing and shopping while the Mister spoke at a conference! So this is what a corporate wife feels like? Could get used to it!

I decided our flight this morning was the red, black and white flight – we got the RED-eye flight, had to get up at 5am for a 6.30am flight, the BLACK being all I could see out the window as we bounced our way out of Wellington, trying to catch a glimpse of something that could pass as the horizon or a star or something to quell the turbulence nausea and the WHITE being all I could see out the window on our approach down to a very cloudy raining Auckland, through terrible turbulence again. Hope the flight home tonight is better although I believe a southerly storm has been coming up the country so I’m not holding out much hope.

Next day P.S. Here’s the photo I took of the Sky Tower while up in Auckland – I always seem to feel some kind of excitement when I see it and feel compelled to take its picture! From a different angle this time.


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