I don’t speak German but find this video from YouTube adorable – a puss cat wandered onto the set of a local TV station’s weather segment last week and the weather presenter didn’t miss a beat and just picked the cat up and carried on with the weather.
At one stage the cat (Lupin) actually points to the weather map as well. Am sending the link to Basel Lisa to see if she can pick out what the guy is saying about the cat – he definitely says ‘studio cat’ when he picks him up and from what I can tell refers to the cat again at the end.
Update: turns out my Orange Friend in Chicago has a husband who knows German! The weather guy says “And also our studio cat has just wandered in without permission” and picks him up then straight on with the weather. Towards the end he says something about it being cold and wintry and that he hopes that all the cats have thick fur to get through the night.
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