The whole grab-a-seat, seat auctions, cheap-as thing on the AirNZ site can be inFURIating. Have just had a squiz ahead a couple of months for flights to Blenhiem. Apparently cheap-as seats are $68pp (a far-cry from the $39 I used to be able to get them for when I was going there regularly) and even though usually only available mid-week, a couple of months out you can get them around a weekend (albeit at strange times).
That is unless you are trying to find 2 seats. GRRRR. Am I supposed to do 2 separate bookings to get us both down there at the same time, and cross fingers that in the meantime the $68 seat for the 2nd person is still available? Or risk that it might jump up to the normal $89 per seat (which is still a better deal than booking both of us at once at $89) or worse yet jump up another price band putting me in a worse position than if I’d just bitten the bullet and paid $89pp)? Sigh. Might just have to hold out for on-the-day grab-a-seat deals and hope that everyone’s home at late notice that weekend. Sigh.
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