Birthday blog

8 years blogging today. Wow. The last year may’ve been a bit light, moved to San Francisco and got sucked into starting the Xero office here so have gone for long periods without posting. However the reviews category is full of San Francisco coffee shops that I’m sharing with people who ask on Twitter (makes me feel like a VIP) as well as some general travels around the States for trade shows.


#1 Short Dark Friend on 07.04.12 at 11:20 pm

Happy Birthday Orange Blog! May there be many more blog entries for me to read:) SDF xox

#2 Nick on 07.06.12 at 11:01 pm

Well done. I enjoy reading your coffee reviews and seeing the marketing side of Xero.

Have you thought about visiting Tartine bakery?


Nick (Wellington)
ps. I found your blog link on the Nikau blog.

#3 OrangeGirl on 07.10.12 at 9:49 am

Thanks for the feedback on my blog! Unfortunately I don’t seem to find much time to get to it lately and I’ve visited a few more coffee shops in California too! Yes I’ve been to Tartine a couple of times, only had coffee there the once – and boy it was strong! It’s such a busy place, and for some reason even though I’m well used to lining up for coffee in San Francisco, there’s something about Tartine that frays my patience. I had a cinnamon/morning bun there once and had heart palpitations – delicious but SO sweet! I must give it another go some time – thanks for the suggestion!

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