France Telecom phone box

I’ve wondered for ages now why there is a France Telecom phone box in the cobbled square on Customhouse Quay outside the Hotel Intercontinental (ex Park Royal). I asked a very knowledgeable friend last night and the only thing he had to say about it was that it had a mirrored floor which revealed interesting things depending on who was in the phone box! I’ve seen so many people in there struggling to make a call, reading the signs, looking in their guide books and I often feel sorry for them. They’re obviously not French or calling France so can’t take advantage of the special direct connection to the French Telecom network. Alas this is not the case and we should indeed feel sorry for anybody attempting to use the phone in there – there is not, and never will be a connection as it’s part of an exhibition! An exhibition of what I don’t know, phone boxes perhaps? I couldn’t find out any more about it during the 5 minutes of Google time I allowed myself.


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