Entries Tagged 'Orange' ↓
January 19th, 2006 — Orange, What I've been doing
As I’ve already mentioned, I had to buy a bottle of this stuff for the pan dolce I made for Christmas last year. And not wanting to be wasteful I’ve been keeping my eyes open for other recipes that make use of it. Recipes for things that I would eat … it’s main use seems to be in Middle Eastern cooking …
Came across a recipe for Orange Blossom Butter Cookies – bit like orange flavoured short bread – weren’t too hard to make and they look impressive but unfortunately, taste like (as I’d imagine) Granny’s orange-fragranced powder puff!!
Have since found some useful tips in a Cuisine magazine:
Orange-blossom water is distilled from the fragrant blossoms of Seville oranges. The result is an intriguing flavour. However, too much and it smells like a garden and is too overtly floral to enjoy with food.
[It] enhances fruit, particularly apricots, figs, strawberries, rhubarb, pears, dates and bananas. Add a few drops to fruit salads, summer pudding, fruit pastries, stewed or poached fruit, fruit creams and fruit crêpes.
A few drops added to savoury dishes such as lamb with apricots and almonds, chicken with white wine and grapes, duck with cherries, and Persian or Arabic rice dishes, adds an irresistibly exotic touch.
Try adding half a teaspoon of orange- blossom water to salad dressings. This is intriguing with carrot salad, avocado and smoked fish and stir-fried peppers with ginger and chilli.
December 21st, 2005 — Orange
Tidied up the Welcome Back orange balloons at my desk:

My gift from the $5 mystery Christmas Gift exchange at our team Christmas picnic yesterday in the Otari-Wilton bush:

December 7th, 2005 — Orange, Work
My team decided to decorate my desk to welcome me back to work.

November 10th, 2005 — Orange, Work
Found an empty box at work destined for the rubbish after some departmental ‘do’ and how could I not grab it for my collection? The Receptionist was most intrigued about my excitement – I don’t care if people just don’t get me. It now has pride of place on my window sill and I keep starring at it and willing it to be full of VC.

October 30th, 2005 — Orange
Saw this in a luggage store window. I suspect English is not their first language.

October 17th, 2005 — Orange
One of my orange scouts informed me that Kirks are re-doing their windows and there’s lots of orange stuff on display! Obviously I leapt up and rushed away from my office, leaving work in my wake, to take a look. Lots of orange 🙂 – especially in the Cuisine Store because of Halloween coming up.

October 11th, 2005 — Orange, Work
The NZ Business Games are on at the moment and a few people from work have been competing. This morning I found an orange Business Games pen on my desk and just now an orange plastic bag turned up in and internal envelope – treats from the Tour of Wellington event that was on last night.
Everyone around here knows me!!!
October 9th, 2005 — Orange
Meet Maxy Bear.

October 5th, 2005 — Orange
Looks what’s taken up residence in our apartment … Orange Crush 10 … methinks someone is getting away with this noise-maker because it’s orange!

September 11th, 2005 — Orange
On my morning coffee trips over the last week I’ve seen a guy with an orange cast on his foot. It’s a proper orange too. Not sure I’d go as far as breaking one of my bones just to get this orange accessory!