Someone in our office said yesterday “Can someone blog about something other than the iPhone?”
Clearly I’m not a *real* blogger if I don’t post something about it. So here goes.
What is all that stuff for anyway? An no buttons? Eeee-uuww the screen will get so greasy. Gross. My phone rings. With a normal “Ring. Ring” kind of sound. I answer it. I can make a phone call by dialling the number (the workflow for finding a number in the address book is so frustrating it’s just easier to keep that brain alive by actually remembering someone’s phone number and actually pressing the keys). I can send and receive a text. It doesn’t even have a little display panel so that I can see who’s calling and thereby screen calls.
I’m sure as with all these gadgets, if I had one, I’d probably use it and become a music listener, downloader, phone emailer etc but for now I’ll just let everyone else who really appreciates it gush and fight to be the first to get one. And then everyone will want to touch it and experience buttonless heaven. Eee-uwww. The fingerprints.
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