Alexander Kitten

Often a topic of conversation when with my parents – Alexander Kitten – the little orange kitten that was the subject of my most read childhood book. I remember reading it and like hearing the stories about how I loved reading it and having it read to me (complete with the bits about telling people off (mostly Granddad) who read it to me and missed bits out because I knew it by heart before I could even walk).

Mum did suggest that I hunt it down on the Internet and she was right, it’s there to be hunted. I might just have to get a copy seeing as my very own book was given away to some boy kids when it was thought that I’d grown out of it (obviously the orange thing hadn’t kicked in back then otherwise they wouldn’t have dared!) … and yes that’s part of the whole story-telling process above which is why Mum suggested I locate a copy … the scars of having the book wrenched from my teenage grip (yeah woteva) obviously run deep!

So, $3.99 on Amazon and in the mean time I can look at these pictures that someone had on a Flickr site. It’s a lot older than I though – 1959 – I thought it was at least from the 70’s!



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