International Space Station

Just leapt up from watching Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets to rush outside onto the lawn and look up at the huge Bay of Plenty sky to see the International Space Station that was due to ‘fly’ over New Zealand between 8.59 and 9.05 tonight. And we saw it! Very exciting. Well, if you get excited by a slightly bigger than normal looking star whizzing across the sky. I do. Here’s actually what was flying by:

Apparently it orbits the earth 15 times a day and is 340km up. Wonder if the guys on it get travel sick?

1 comment so far ↓

#1 Short Dark Friend on 01.15.08 at 8:43 am

ooooh how exciting…… wish I had seen it, but was too busy watching Kenny… the story of an Aussie man and his portaloos:-)

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