I’m such an Audi slut (or maybe it’s fast cars … expensive cars … or perhaps just a petrol head in general) … I just went out for my afternoon coffee and stopped right in the middle of the footpath so people had to walk around me to give a good hard stare at a blue RS4 parked outside work. It was a blue one like this:

It was filthy. It had a huge birdshit smudge down the side. It had Jesus decorations on it’s number plate!

But when it started up. Oh. My. God. Not sure if the guy saw me standing there or whether it’s just a thing that owners of sport-version Audi’s do but he really stamped on the gas when he took of. What a sound!! It’s a V8 – imagine that petrol bill. I filled up the baby Rocket the other day, it was just under quarter full and it cost me $105!!


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