
Planted some marigold seeds in one of the empty pots on our apartment anniversary last month. According to the picture on the back of the seed packet there should’ve been more activity much earlier on but 30 days on we’ve got one healthyish looking marigold seedling.

I planted way more seeds than that and I’m sure I didn’t plant them too deep or water them too much or too little – I think our weather is just too cold – although according, again, to the packet picture I planted them at the right time. Mind you these days, who can tell when spring is these days anyway.

I suppose it could be my fault that I didn’t use seedling mix in raised beds but I’m sure as kids we just planted seeds in the ground and stuff grew. Don’t say this funny old world of everyone allergic to peanuts and loosing concentration skills is spreading to soil nutrients. Sigh.


#1 penny on 10.09.08 at 8:52 pm

If I knew how to email you a photo I’d be able to show you Bas’s effort at growing a box of salad seedlings he bought on impulse at the supermarket. He has fussed over them as if they were his pride and joy and counted each one as they popped out but now he has to count each one as they start drooping over. It would have been easier and cheaper to just buy a bit of Mesculin each Sat.

#2 Orange Girl on 10.09.08 at 9:55 pm

Oh I had a good chuckle reading your comment – I can just imagine it and you’re right about the Mesculin! Although when we plant our basil crop we get several loads of pesto out of the $1.95 seedling punnet than buying a $3.95 packet from Moore Wilson’s each time.

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