Wahooo! I now have a ‘team’ and I’m it’s leader. After a whirl wind of interviews, second interviews and sleepless nights (hence the blog block over the last couple of weeks) I have an assistant and she’s been on the job this week. She was able to start pretty quickly so thought that was better than having her wait 6-7 weeks until we get back from the States.
I’d been getting more and more anxious about her starting – worrying about how to transfer knowledge without overwhelming and at the right pace. Plus one of the nights I was lying awake I catalogued the roles I’d had in my working career and realised that due to the niche nature of the jobs I end up in, I’ve never really had to share my work with anyone or direct anyone in what they do. Up until now, my roles have been:
- Senior Business Analyst
- Business Planning Analyst
- Planning & Monitoring Advisor
- Documenter
- Product Consultant
- Documentation Consultant
- Application Consultant
- Project Manager
- Intranet Specialist
- Web Designer
- Web Designer
- Team Personal Assistant
- Personal Assistant
So now Team Orange (as people are beginning to call it) is up and running and my Oompa Loompa is fantastic! She’s a really fast learner and scarily similar to me so once we get through all the bits and pieces that will form her job I reckon we’re going to do great as a really well oiled machine. This is her first office job out of university and it’s been a very eye-opening experience going through a whole lot of firsts with her – sitting down at a desk all day, team meetings, argumentative developers, intranet, procedures and most odd, no official start, end, lunch and break times.
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