Visiting our vines

Took a road trip over to Martinborough this weekend and went to visit ‘our’ vines (well, more likely vine singular). We bought a very small parcel of Alana shares when they went up for sale 18 months ago and we’ve enjoyed the shareholder discount we sometimes get on their wine but had never actually been to the winery. It’s quite a picturesque place and it did feel kind of special that we owned a tiny part of it … we were trying to figure out what chunk could be ours, a bolt in the door, a flagstone on the terrace, a fence post, a chair in the restaurant … When we claimed aforementioned shareholder discount at the Cellar Door, the guy asked if we’d been to see our vine (note, singular) so we took up his offer to park the car up the driveway and jump across into the vines to say hi to one … whichever one … which we did!

While over there we also stopped off for lunch at the Old Winery Cafe at Margrain – always a lovely spot even though the wind was very strong.


#1 penny on 01.23.09 at 2:39 am

Look carefully at the photo. Can you see a figure on the right hand side? M.I.L

#2 Orange Girl on 01.23.09 at 2:54 am

No … is it one of those trick pictures?

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