Football party

On Friday we received our first invitation to an American football party for yesterday, when the San Francisco Giants were playing for a place in the Big Game, which I think is the SuperBowl. I think the whole country comes to a standstill for that. We umm’d and aaah’d a bit about going. The invitation came through a Xero investor and we don’t really know him socially that well but it was a good chance to change that and meet some of his friends. The Mister was reasonably interested in seeing the game, a really big deal for San Francisco, so good to watch it with a bunch of people. Obviously I had no interest, but I packed up my knitting and figured I could amuse myself for 3 hours. THREE HOURS.

It was the second day of rain for the winter yesterday so we got on the bus with several other soggy fans heading to friends houses with pots of chilli and packs of beer. We discovered our friend lived very close to Matching Half so I was allowed to stop for a coffee to ready myself!

At Matching Half

The house was full of shouting lads all in their football colors, wives and girl friends at the fringes, some in there shouting, one looking after some kids. There was beer, there were homemade chicken wings (apparently the deep fryer was purchased just for game day) and there were some seriously delicious hamburgers. Our friend has previously owned restaurants and enjoys food and cooking so no wonder his burgers were so delicious. The Mister was wedged on the couch between some boisterous lads and no-one used a knife and fork … that was rather interesting for him! I flitted between chatting with girls and leaning in the kitchen watching the burgers. I only got my knitting out to show someone who was interested to see it otherwise I had enough new people to meet and survived the 3 hours quite well! I didn’t ask what was going on. I didn’t ask if the game was nearly over.

Football party

Football party

Football party


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