Snaps to the Sunday Star Times for publishing a story in their magazine on being childfree by choice. It’s written by Sarah-Kate Lynch (I actually have her very good novel ‘By Bread Alone’) and it addresses the taboo subject of choosing not to have children. Not for medical, selfish, safe, financial, or career reasons but by CHOICE. Society still frowns upon those who choose not to have children and feels it has the right to question the choice and label those making it. No-one questions and labels those who do. Sarah-Kate’s article does pinpoint typically painful child behaviour and the limited conversation topics of parents as examples of why one would choose not to have children which perhaps doesn’t send the entire message but it’s a jolly good start. People who are childfree by choice are just as much a legitimate part of our rich societal mix as anyone else but do often suffer the treatment of a minority group.
The taboo subject of the childfree choice
November 6th, 2004 | Random thoughts
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