While having coffee at Plum in Cuba Street on Friday afternoon we sat near a woman who was busy writing screeds in a notebook. I watched her a while and wondered, as you do, who she was and what she was doing. The notebook was pretty full of bits of paper stuffed between each page and on the page she was working on she’d drawn a line verticially down the centre and was using two different coloured pens. It looked to me like she might’ve been writing a script for something – red pen was what looked like a name or initials on the left and black was shortish phrases to the right. I wondered if she was a famous writer for film or theatre, or whether she was a drama student or teacher. I also marvelled at the ability to write so much – I know I have this blog and write so much myself to a certain extent – but this looked like pure creativity. She was looking up and around, thinking, smiling and writing stuff down … wait … perhaps she was observing behaviours and listening to conversations of people sitting next to her and creating something out of that … we were sitting pretty close to her … oh, god, and I was showing my partner my crochet experiment that I’d just taken to the wool shop where the lady had shown me some new stitches and there I was sitting out in the open on Cuba Stree showing him … wonder what she could’ve written about that?
You never know who’s watching
December 5th, 2004 | Out and about, Random thoughts
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