Getting back into the swing of reporting on orange stuff … thought it was about time I did an inventory of orange things on my desk:
OK, from left to right (I won’t repeat the word ‘orange’ every time, just know all the following objects *are* orange, right down to the very last paper clip) … lunchbox, manilla folders, A4 notebook that goes everywhere with me, plastic document cover for current work, finger puppet sitting on lever of copy holder, cover sheets on documents I circulate, plastic carrot on monitor, cardboard cat on monitor, tiny shiny star on bottom of monitor, memo cube, 6 blocks of little post-it flags, several blocks of post-it notes, container of paper clips, ruler, stapler, hole punch, tin of designer pencils, pencil sharpener, clock, calculator, orange cup filled entirely with orange 21 pens (all other colours relegated to different cup), cocktail umbrella, piece of ribbon tied into a bow, poncy pen on wire stand, another piece of ribbon, plastic document wallets in filing area, another piece of ribbon tied around a pot plant, name tag on in-tray, plastic flower on in-tray, scissors, whiteboard markers, umbrella.
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