Went for a walk around the waterfront yesterday and back through town. Our route took us passed the new Holiday Inn hotel on the corner of Featherston & Whitmore streets. There was a lovely, completely deserted, outdoor eating area which should have been crowded like all the other eateries en route to the Stadium where hungry 7’s-goers were filling up on bacon and pancakes ready for an afternoon of drinking and yelling.
So, SO obvious why no-one was using the outdoor area. So obvious. Whitmore Street and particularly it’s intersection with Featherston has got to be one of the windiest streets in Wellington. It’s the street where they send TV news crews on a windy day for those clips during the weather where the nice lady with the boofy hair says in a voice-over to the clip ‘… and it was a windy one in Wellington again today.’ Who architected the hotel? Why would they put an outdoor area there? Actually why didn’t they do a roof top restaurant? That would have been so cool – great view of the harbour and Oriental Parade. Maybe the building rocks on a windy day and people would get seasick during their dinner but that’s what happens atop the Sky Tower in Auckland and people still go there.
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