Packs of 5

Why is there a trend these days for sausages and chicken drumsticks to come in packs of 5? It’s not that we now have an extra to feed that I’ve noticed this, it’s been bothering me for a while and I have been trying to figure out the rationale behind it.

  • Is the typical NZ family decreasing from 2.4 kids to 1 kid – meaning 2 sausies each for Mum & Dad and 1 for the kid?
  • Are the supermarkets (especially the city ones we go to) recognising a trend for couples to not have children and so they are catering for a Mr & Mrs-sized family only? And are they not decreasing the pack size to 2 sausies each because they also recognise that the childless family probably work crazy hours (including the Mrs so she’s never home to cook) so eat out lots with the ‘cafes and nightlife at their doorstep’ therefore not getting a decent-home-cooked-meal very often so the man about the house needs 3 sausies?
  • It doesn’t seem to be a weight thing – the packs of 5 seems to vary anywhere between 680g and 900g so it’s not as though they are 500, 750 or 1kg packs.
  • Perhaps its a tray-sized thing … maybe hormones and water filling mean that all you can fit on those little black polystyrene meat trays is 5 sausages or 5 drumsticks.

Having said all that, I upended the entire chicken bit of the fridge in New World this morning until I found a pack of 6 for our family – 2 each. Thanks!


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