
I was down at Fuel WT this afternoon and I witnessed a delightful exchange between a mother and ohhhhh 3-year-old? son just after she’d parked their car.

“Mu-u-um. Why are you looking for your money?”

“Because I need to buy a ticket from the parking machine.”

(A couple of minutes later with said ticket procured…)

“Why do you always have to get another ticket?”

“Every time I park in a new place I have to give the council some more money.”

“But why do they want money?”

Hmmm, what else could she say other than what I’m sure is a stock standard parent answer to all the why’s:

“Because that’s the rules.”

Have to say, it left me wondering why you have to pay …

1 comment so far ↓

#1 jeffrey on 02.26.08 at 8:05 am

the council burgles everyone! it costs 25cents/hour to park on a Chicago street. 25 cents! the lot of them are as thick as thieves they are!

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