Just went for a wander around the harbour after Nikau. Everybody was outside at the first site of sun that has some warmth in it, although not enough warmth for what some people were wearing – way too early for shorts and jandals.
It’s Father’s Day today as well and we saw a bunch of fathers and their kids, out in their urban backyard riding bikes and scooters though for the most part the kids were trailing along whining and the fathers were carrying anything up to 3 bikes/scooters/roller-blades and one was managing to juggle a flat white in there as well. Hope they were having a nice day with their kids!
I love sitting on the balls dotted around the waterfront and watching everyone go about their business.

And I thought this picture the Mister took of Mt Vic was very like that iconic Wellington photo/watercolour/oil on canvas that’s on many postcards, gift cards and in art shops around town. Perhaps we can make our own now we’ve got this great photo.

That’s a beautiful shot – makes me homesick!
Yes it was a truly gorgeous day here today. The sky so huge and blue and the air so clear and if you can believe it not a BREATH of wind.
Simply can’t beat Wellington on a good day.
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