Day 1 – Hello from San Francisco

We’re here, 8.30 Thursday night and barely awake. The flight was OK – it’s always a bit turbulent over that big body of water so am only surviving on 4 hours sleep. After a bit of a separation blip with our plane seating we managed to secure upgrades to Business Class which was great – the only downside is that men lying down brings a greater chance of snoring – my god there were a couple of rattlers in our section.

This afternoon we got the best cup of coffee we’ve ever had in America and I drank it all the way to the bottom – obviously Bev and Dan know what good coffee is and have trained the people down the road at Pacific Bay to make a small, correct drinking temperature, coffee-flavoured beverages. We wandered through Walnut Creek and went to the latest Bond film – full of great action and hunky Daniel Craig and since eating pizza and drinking champagne we’re settled in to watch Ugly Betty, Grey’s Anatomy and ER – lucky we’re all up to date watching it at home.

Tomorrow we’re off to visit the Big Orange Bridge.

Update next day: after a couple of texts and emails, to those of you wanting to know, yes, the James Bond movie was great! Loads of action, no nudieness, and that guy can drive anything – in the movie a couple of cars (yes the DBS was back in action), motorbike, plane and boat!


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