Mamma Mia

Went to the show last night. My god. What a fantastic evening! I’m not really a musicals person, have seen Cats, Les Miserables and Phantom of the Opera all when I was a teenager or early 20’s, The Producers in New York 4 years ago, and that’s it. However I really enjoyed the Mamma Mia movie when it came out – I went last year on my own when The Mister was in Las Vegas and I couldn’t believe how sore my face was at the end of it. I just could not stop smiling.

And that’s how it was last night. Show was at the Queen’s Wharf Arena which really is a big barn of a place and the makeshift tiered auditorium seating is rather uncomfortable and extends miles away from the stage. Our seats were pretty good – in the front row of the second section which was possibly just a bit far back but offered an unencumbered view – mind you we booked them back in February!

It didn’t dawn on me until they started singing Mamma Mia that hardcore ABBA or Mamma Mia fans would be there – groups of middle-aged ladies whooping and hollering and standing up and waving their arms in the air. I felt quite embarrassed for them. And very angry at them when they wouldn’t clap in time! Luckily no-one stood up in front of me. And I was glad people didn’t sing along either.

The singers’ voices were quite different to opera – pretty much all of them had very strong, fantastic, spine chilling sound when they were in their mid range and really let go, whereas I find opera singers to be much stronger throughout their entire range. But it just didn’t matter – no-one was terrible, the dancing was truly amazing and it was fascinating to see how many of the cast resembled actors in the film – I’m sure that’s the wrong comparison to make, but I saw the film first.

However right at the end, everything changed and I was up on my feet with the ladies – singing at the top of my voice (well, the bits I knew) and jumping up and down in front of my seat, attempting actions that everyone else seemed to know already and waving my arms. And so was The Mister! It was such a great night we went and brought more tickets today to go again!!


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