21 November 2005 10.20am #4

10.20am today was a weekend for the first time since doing the 10.20 wedding anniversary meet-up so we were still at Gotham having our breakfast. So at least the coffee tradition continued.

Later in the day, we’re up at the bar enjoying a Nikau lunch as usual although Paul thought the occasion meant I should have some bubbles (at lunch time?!?) – thanks!



#1 penny on 11.21.09 at 4:36 pm

Just seems like the other day and even though it was winter there and you were in your white coat, if it had been waterproof you could have worn it today. You wouldn’t think it’s nearly summer. MIL.

#2 Matt on 11.22.09 at 6:53 pm

Congrats on the +4 anniversary 🙂

#3 Jif on 11.22.09 at 10:55 pm

happy anniversary:)

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