Project 365

This year I’m doing a project that quite a few people have done – Project 365 – which is to take a photo every day of the year. I don’t really have an artistic goal in mind, not aiming to get better at taking photos or anything like that, it’s just I take quite a lot of photos of random, every day things anyway so I thought I might as well make a conscious effort to take and publish one photo a day.

So, January is over and I have 31 photos for the project so far.

The photos are published on Flickr, in my set called Project 365.


1 comment so far ↓

#1 Project 365 2010 — OrangeBlog on 01.09.11 at 4:53 pm

[…] 2010 I decided to take at least one photo every single day. It was an idea I saw on Twitter at the end of 2009 and seeing as I take a few photos I thought it […]

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