Visitors #3

This is long overdue but with the recent batch of visitors I’ve gotten a bit behind! Plus it’s taken me a while to catch up getting all the photos uploaded.

So, Mother & Father’s visit a couple of weeks ago. They were here the longest – 7 days so we managed to cram the usual stops on our visitor’s tour in plus a bit more!

They arrived safe & sound & fairly awake after 3 flights all the way from Whakatane – we went out to the airport (via 3 trains!) to meet them. I was quite surprised that the whole journey on the E train was underground – I thought for an hour’s ride it would pop out somewhere but it didn’t.

124 - 4 May 2010

So then the dragging of parents around the city began. The daily highlights, many of which you’ve read about before but they were new & exciting for Mothers & Fathers!

  • Chelsea Market
  • Circle Line – excellent boat trip around the island which was a great orientation exercise & our guide was very informative on the history & location of landmarks & other little tips. Plus excellent views of the city.
  • Coffee a Fika & rest stop in Madison Square park
  • The Mister went to a work function at the Stock Exchange on Wall Street – wives not invited! And no pictures allowed 🙁

Chelsea Market Circle Line Tour

  • Financial district tour & lunch stop at Big Fika
  • Walk across the Brooklyn Bridge & dinner at Henry’s End
  • Nighttime wander along the Brooklyn Heights promenade

Wall Street Brooklyn Bridge City of Lights

  • Grand Central Station
  • Mother/daughter hair dos while the boys went to the Apple Church (the only Apple store The Mister had yet to visit here)
  • Central Park with picnic lunch of sandwiches from Zabars
  • Shake Shack for dinner
  • Gelato from our block eaten up on the roof

Grand Central Station Central Park Shake Shack 127 - 7 May 2010

  • Bloomingdales
  • The Met
  • Wander down 5th Ave & around the Rockefeller Plaza
  • Dinner & Morrell’s
  • Late night out in Times Square

The Met Times Square

  • Mother’s Day! Brunch at the Breslin in the Ace Hotel
  • Hell’s Kitchen flea market (nothing like what I expected, it was a few tables spread out clumps out in the street which seemed quite junky to me. But it was utterly freezing so perhaps it’s usually busier)
  • Macy’s to hide from the cold
  • Mother’s Day bubbles & pizza

Hell's Kitchen flea market Mother's Day at Macy's Mother's Day cheers

  • Top of the Rock
  • High Line
  • Shopping for dinner supplies at Chelsea Market
  • Orange Kitchen experiment with duck confit & rice

Top of the Rock High Line Duck confit

Then they were off on their way to Canada.

And now bad news. Just got word this morning that Mother has broken her ankle on a lake trail in Canada & they’re on their way home now, 2 weeks early. VERY SAD. I really hope this doesn’t put them off travelling! I guess the sad truth is that as you get older your bones become more brittle. At least they were having a fantastic time up until then and had just spent a week with their friends in Montreal.


#1 Short Dark Friend on 05.23.10 at 6:37 am

Oh sorry to hear about your mum’s broken leg. Sound like they had a great time in NYC though. The pics are great.

#2 penny on 05.23.10 at 4:50 pm

Let out a big OMG when I saw about your Mum. Will give her a ring in a day or 2. MIL

#3 OrangeGirl on 05.24.10 at 1:14 pm

Thanks so much for that … I’m sure she’ll appreciate it especially as we’ve discovered we can’t make outbound calls from our US phones!

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