Xero Answers

This week, our international product team launched Xero Answers – a site for questions & answers for our new product Xero Personal. Rather than have a massive customer base flood our email support queue, we’re going to try this largely user-based approach to helping our customers, the aim being that people can see questions previously asked & answered, saving them having to do it, & also to give an opportunity for people to help each other out as they build up their own product knowledge & learn their own ways of using the product that they want to share.


It’s still orange & it’s had a few questions posted to it already; I’m nervously keeping watch over it trying to answer the questions as best I can but I am further removed from this product than Xero Business that I wrote most of the Help Centre for. I really hope it grows into a big community site like some others I’ve seen where eventually we can hook up a blog, the @XeroPersonal Twitter feed & stuff like that. And maybe even extend it to our business product. Early days!


#1 chris brisson on 12.31.10 at 5:07 am

I want this for my site. I really dig it. Is it a platform we can purchase? If so, I want it… 🙂

Drop me an email please.


#2 OrangeGirl on 01.04.11 at 7:34 pm

Hey, it’s our own and not a packaged app that we designed to sell – bit more info on answers.xero.com

#3 Chris Brisson on 01.21.11 at 9:20 am

I’d love to license it from you. 🙂

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