Scooby & the cupcake

Matt’s partner is baking her way through hundred’s of cupcakes in order to find the perfect recipe for their wedding cupcake tower next year. Lucky for us, there are often cupcakes going spare and we’ve sampled some of the non-chocolate offerings – the latest raspberry ones are absolutely delicious and so soft! There’s nothing nicer than arriving at work to a cupcake on your desk … however this backfired the other day because Matt was testing something on Twitter and uploaded a cupcake photo – The Mister called out to me from reading Twitter “Ooooh, Lizzie is baking cupcakes again!” Next morning I was sent off to work with no morning tea in my lunch bag because he told me there was bound to be a cupcake on my desk … he had the most crest-fallen face when there wasn’t one. Supermarket biscuits are absolutely no substitute for a cupcake surprise. Matt felt pretty bad and said he’d take more care with his choice of ‘old’ photos to upload in future and I felt pretty embarrassed that The Mister had been that presumptuous – we don’t even know Lizzie that well!

Anyway, Lizzie’s batch this week caught the eye (and nose) of Scooby – Matt managed to get this great photo!



#1 Matt on 09.14.10 at 8:36 am

Aww, nice!

#2 Lizzie on 09.14.10 at 8:42 am

Thanks Catherine! Funnily enough there have been no chocolate ones anyway, it’s all about the raspberries at the moment!

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