Mystery shrub & friends

So the mystery shrub/tree/weed that’s taken residence in our patio pot is growing tall and so are it’s friends! We’ve changed our mind from our initial guess of hebeis purpleis and also rejected Mother’s suggestion of Asclepias curassavica. Orange Sister put forth a guess of baby pohutakawa which was quite exciting, but sad because it’ll never survive in the pot if it is one … mind you she was guessing by looking at the display on the back of the camera, not having seen the photo previously posted.

So here we are … 2 months on and now much bigger. Any more guesses?

Mystery shrub still growing

1 comment so far ↓

#1 M.I.L on 01.19.11 at 1:31 pm

I’d say it’s definitely a “hebe”. F.I.L’s favourite plant Yeah right!!! Check again with your great gardening gurus of Awakeria (spellcheck) and see if they agree. M.I.L

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