TV vortex

Sometimes I find I have a few hours to myself and I always think of how productive I can be – there’s always a load of work to catch up on, a list of other non-work-related family jobs/paperwork to get done or a blog post (!) or practical Susie Homemaker stuff like baking or ironing. Then there’s all the stuff I could unexpectedly do with my time – phone call to a friend, a few hours at the shops, a walk, a movie. I’m no good just being at home not doing anything.

So I park up on the couch with my computer to work, that’s the one thing I always have to do which has got me to this place that if I don’t do it, I feel guilty. If I turn on the TV for company I always get so sucked in. I often just sit and stare at it. Doesn’t matter what’s on. Is this why so many people can spend so many hours a day watching rubbish? Or in my case watching stuff I seen before? I try to rationalize it with the reason that my brain and eyes are always taken up with work, that after months and months of constant work, a few hours in front of the TV is a huge rest. But then I feel guilty I’ve just watched TV for 2 hours and not done any work!


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