Happy Christmas Aardvark

Dear Zipcar,

We just wanted to say Happy Christmas and thanks to Aardvark – we’ve spent quite a bit of this year with you since you came to live in our street and we sure do appreciate you! You’ve driven us all over the place and have always been there when we needed you for an hour or 2 or for a day. (Except for that one time your spot was empty and the nice lady at 0800 zip tried pooping your horn because we thought you were just lost in the car parking building but we couldn’t find you and it turned out you were actually missing and out all night and we still don’t know what happened to you. We had to go to Sacramento that day in a Mini, we would rather have taken you but we didn’t have much choice). You’ve driven us to the airport a few times, the supermarket numerous times, helped us take our visitors out to Napa, out to the East Bay to our friends for barbeques and Thanksgiving, to the hospital on a wet day to get vaccinations and most importantly to get our California driver licenses (the man had lots of questions about buttons and knobs and because we’d gotten to know you so well that part of the test was easy! As well as being comfortable with the width and length of you for turning and backing and going down the little streets he tested us on).

So Happy Christmas and thanks again for always being there when we need you – hope you get the gift of a lovely Zip Spa so you’re all sparkly and clean for the holidays. I’m sure we’ll be seeing you again soon. We always pick you.

Aardvark the Zipcar


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