Monty Log Day 4

Highlights / cute things on Day 4:

  • Tip for tiring out a kitten – invite a friend around who’s not scared to get clawed and bitten and get her to rough him up for half an hour. The rewards were fantastic – he slept across both of our knees for 2 or 3 hours while we watched TV and slept on the bed all night.
  • Helped the Mister find a cable in the computer/TV/phone/camera cable box so we could watch almost all of the second half of the Prison Break series that we have downloaded onto the laptop.

Naughty things on Day 4:

  • Climbing through the venetian blinds on the window above the bench and rattling and chewing them just when it’s time to go to bed.

Favourite toy on Day 4:

  • Still goes for the pink mousey mousey.
  • Has met the washing basket and pegs which he takes great joy in spreading around the house.



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