More peanut butter goodness

I don’t think I’ve ever had peanut butter cookies before – the only peanut butter baking I can remember having in recent times were the peanut butter cakes that my Orange Friend from Chicago sent me.

Until Jif turned up at work yesterday with some peanut cookies that he’d made. Yes, a boy that bakes! Oh my god YUM. I was lucky enough to get 2 today. Might have to try making some myself.


#1 jif on 07.15.08 at 5:42 am

yum! I’ll send you the recipe 🙂

#2 Jolene on 07.15.08 at 10:33 pm

I was going to send you the recipe for the Peanut Butter Temptations, too, but I forgot you don’t have Reese’s PB cups! I’ll just have to make you some more and send them with your next care package – the one you’ll be receiving mid-August! (o:

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