NY vs NZ

A hot topic right now is whether or not we’ve settled back in Wellington after the 4 months living in New York. It’s the question we get asked most often, a change from ‘how was the trip?’!  Being at the Xero AGM last night brought all the questions out of the woodwork as we caught up with lots of people we hadn’t seen in a while. Observations are that we have settled well.

We are definitely portraying that. It doesn’t do us or anybody any good to fight the system on this one. Obviously we didn’t want to come home and would do anything within reason to get back there – and right now that means working more hard yards, saving up again and seeing where Xero takes us. We’re not about to chuck in what we’ve worked so hard on to live there, perhaps in time that will tempt us, but right now, Xero is still a driving force in our lives. It’s no good being anti-NZ and we may well be in the privacy of our own homes or if you manage to get my guard down, but being negative to everyone about Wellington or life in NZ just belittles the lives everyone has here. I might be fairly blunt but I’m not going to do that!

Even this weather is not getting me down today. It’s winter! Plus I’m walking around under my New York umbrella – something I wouldn’t dare put up while there, but it’s not so touristy here!

New York umbrella


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