Passion fruit indulgence

My Hamilton friend promised me passion fruit from his vine this year if he had a crop with some to spare. Must’ve been a bumper crop because a couple of days ago at work a box turned up with way more than I ever expect he’d send.


And they’re huge!

We had a delicious passion fruit week.

First up just eating them straight up – that’s indulgence nowadays that was unheard of when I was a kid when there were easily enough around to have 2 or 3 whenever you wanted, for free (obviously no idea where Mother got them from or how much they cost but I’m sure it was less than the $20-odd a kg they are these days at Moore Wilson’s).

One of our weekend lunches was a passion fruit smoothie, chokka with passion fruit, not just one each.


We checked when we were at Moore Wilson’s and indeed they were $18.95/kg and much smaller.


Then 2 nights of a kind of deconstructed cheese cake, well, passion fruit (lots of them) with cheesecake cream.


YUM. Thanks Hamilton friend 🙂


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